Once again Tradulínguas
launches its Legal Translation e-Learning Course. This time the course
will focus on Contracts and the differences and similarities between
them in the Portuguese and Anglo-Saxon systems.
this course participants will have the opportunity of studying all
different components of a Contract, vocabulary and "false friends"
usually associated with this type of documents and more.
course starts on the 15th of October, 2013 and goes until the 29th of
October, it is composed of 8 lessons, totalling an estimate
30 to 35 hours and it will be conducted by Dra. Ana Raquel Ruivo. You can enrol until the 11th of October 2013.
For more information about this wonderful course, please follow the link to the Course's Official Brochure, where you will find all the contents, prices and terms and conditions.
Updated Words Team
* This article was prepared by Updated Words with the permission from Tradulínguas