Monday, 18 January 2016

Tradulínguas launches its Medical Translation Course: Clinical Essays

Tradulínguas launched another great course for 2016. The Medical Translation Course: Clinical Essays, will start on the 29th of February and will finish on the 24th of March. You can enroll until the 25th of February

The course will be conducted by Dr. Vanda Marujo. This course will focus on important terminology for the production and translation of clinical essays.

For more information, please follow the link to Tradulínguas Official Brochure.

Updated Words

*This article was prepared by Updated Words with permission from Tradulínguas

Welcome to 2016

Welcome to 2016. After a small break our team is ready to start the new year. We hope 2016 is a very positive and successful year not only for ourselves but to all our clients.

In 2016 we will continue our regular weekly activities online and we will add a few more interesting bits. Both our members have professional blogs where they write a few things about their work. These blogs were never mentioned publicly by the team. However, it was decided that we will now start sharing our blog posts in our Facebook page. This will help customers learn a bit about us and the work we do. So in 2016 expect to see a few posts about translation ...

We are also working on a new glossary and we want to have it published during the current year. This glossary has been scheduled for quite some time, but due to time restraints it was put on hold and the team is now ready to start working on it again.

We are ready to start the year and we count on your participation. If you have any questions you would like to ask, please fell free to post them on our social media pages or send us a private email.

Happy New Year.

Updated Words