Saturday, 12 July 2014

Tradulínguas launches its Medical Translation Course: Diabetes

Tradulínguas has announced its new Medical Translation Course: Diabetes. The course is focused on this disease that affects millions of people around the world and in increasing in our population. It is also responsible for other health problems like heart problems, blindness, limb amputations and many more.

In the course participants will learn basic terms related to this illness, from its diagnostic, symptoms, complications to its prevention. It is a 20-hour e-learning course conducted by Dr. Vanda Marujo. It will start on the 17th of September and it will finish on the 28th of September. You can enrol until the 11th of September.

For more information about this very interesting course please follow the link for the Tradulínguas Official Brochure

Updated Words

*this article was prepared by Updated Words with permission from Tradulínguas.