Tradulínguas has launched its Health Science Courses for 2013. It offers 3 separate short courses that will help translators in this area understand basic concepts in three different fronts.
- Course of Biotechnology Translation
- Course of Basic Medical Terminology
This course will start on the 25th of February and it will finish on the 11th of March with an has a total estimate of 30 hours. It will be conducted by Dr. Vanda Marujo and it will help you understand basic medical terminology allowing you to have a better understanding of the general medical bureaucracy and its procedures. You can enrol until the 20th of February. Click here to read the official brochure with more information about this course.
- Course of Anatomy Translation
This is a 12 day course that will start on the 4th of March, 2013 and has an total estimate of 25 hours. It will also be conducted by Dra. Vanda Marujo. In this course participants will be able to learn the basics of human anatomy, including the nervous system, respiratory system and many more. Click here to read the official brochure with more information about this course.
Updated Words Team
*This article was written by Updated Words Team with permission from Tradulínguas.